Friday, July 15, 2011

Mouthshut for Customers

Mouthshut, the name itself is catchy for people but more than that the platform which it provides to the customers is catchier.

I had been visiting too many online shopping sites. On the suggestion of one of my friends, some days back I bought a deal from one of the Popular online shopping site website as it was offering that deal on a highly discounted price.

I visited that site and purchased a product from that site.

I got all the necessary emails and SMS from that site regarding that deal and its purchase but the product wasn’t delivered to me within the specified days.

I wrote many mails to that deal site but they didn’t give any satisfactory reply for any.

I told this to my friends they recommended me to write a review on

I had heard about and also seen its advertisements behind auto-rickshaw but never had actually visited the website.

I visited the site after few days for the 1st time. I got a bit confused about the happenings as to many events were occurring at the same time.

Finally I wrote a review on Mouthshut and posted it.

After few hours I checked my posts again in Mouthshut. I was amazed to see that my review was read and rated as Very Useful / Useful by many members of Mouthshut and commented on the same. Just after a week or so my review became Review of the Day (ROD) on Mouthshut. It became more popular and many members congratulated and praised me for the review.

I got a response on that review from one of the associates of that online shopping deal site saying that they are a Corporate Member of Mouthshut and are closely working with to resolve the problem faced by the customers.

After few days the matter was resolved and I got the product delivered immediately.

I can say that helped me to keep the mouth shut of that online shopping site.

From that day till now I m a regular and active member of and started following Twitter and Facebook a/cs of Mouthshut

Check this post also